PA Department of Health Ruling Regarding Dental Appointments

Dental Crowns and Same Day Solutions for Broken or Cracked Teeth

Putting off dental care due to fear will only cause more issues requiring extensive dental work. Avoiding dental solutions, including crowns for broken or cracked teeth, could ultimately lead to gum disease, an abcess, the need for a root canal or tooth extraction. Eliminate toothache pain today by contacting Three Rivers Dental Group for immediate results with same day appointments.

Pandemic Related Tooth Pain

Instances of broken or cracked teeth are on the rise due to pandemic related bruxism and stress grinding. Broken or cracked teeth need immediate attention before dental decay and more serious dental issues arise. Schedule an appointment immediately for a broken or cracked tooth, before the pain sets in, to determine if the tooth is able to be saved by a crown.

Fixing Broken or Cracked Teeth with Crowns

Damaged teeth eligible for crowns will be reduced and reshaped for a customized crown fit. Once the tooth is prepared, an impression is taken of the tooth and surrounding teeth. Following the impression, your dentist will create and apply a temporary crown to protect the prepared tooth between visits. Tooth pain associated with dental crowns loosening or coming off will require a dental examination to determine if the crown can be cleaned and put back on, or if it will need a temporary crown or replacement.

What to Avoid Between Appointments

Give teeth special attention and care while wearing a temporary crown. Avoid chewing gum, ice and hard sticky foods on the affected side of the mouth and refrain from brushing hard when cleaning teeth. Brush teeth as gently as possible and avoid further damage by notifying your dentist immediately to schedule a visit if a temporary crown on a prepared tooth loosens.

Setting the Crown

A model of the affected tooth and surrounding teeth will be made from a dental impression to create a permanent crown. During the crown appointment, the temporary crown will be removed and replaced with a permanent crown placed on the affected tooth. The permanent crown will be cemented into place to restore the affected tooth to its proper shape to fit comfortably with surrounding teeth.

No Sights! No Sounds! No Fear!

Putting off dental work due to fear can cause dental issues requiring extensive work. Even if you have not been to the dentist in a long time, there is no reason to ever feel embarrassed. Our caring and friendly staff are here to help by offering dental solutions to patients not normally comfortable in the dental chair. With sleep dentistry, patients experience no pain and can have all dental work completed in one visit while asleep.

Three Rivers Dental Group is here to help put an end to dental pain and fear associated with dental visits, offering dental solutions and sedation dentistry services to fix your smile while you sleep. Alleviate your tooth pain today. Contact Three Rivers Dental Group at 1-855-NO-FEARS or schedule an appointment on our website. We are conveniently located throughout the Pittsburgh area in Greentree, Cranberry, and Greensburg.