PA Department of Health Ruling Regarding Dental Appointments

Dental Treatment for Toothache Pain

Toothache pain can affect your daily life and cause significant discomfort. Seeking dental treatment for toothache pain caused by chipped, broken, or missing teeth or cavities is crucial.

Ignoring dental issues can lead to further complications, including gum disease and tooth loss. Save your smile. Learn about dental treatment solutions available to treat toothache pain and what you can expect from each treatment option.

Fillings for Cavities

If you’re experiencing toothache pain due to a cavity, getting a filling may be your best course of treatment. A dentist will remove the decayed part of your infected tooth and fill the space where the cavity occurred.

VeryWell Health points to four types of materials commonly used for dental fillings.

  • Silver Amalgam
  • Composite
  • Ceramic
  • Glass Ionomer

Cavities can also occur between teeth. Your dentist may discuss a remineralization strategy with you and apply a fluoride treatment to strengthen the affected tooth enamel. Deeper cavities and dental decay found between teeth may require a filling.

Fillings help to restore your tooth to its original shape and protect it from further decay. After a filling, you should notice an immediate reduction in toothache pain. If the filling does not alleviate tooth pain, a follow-up dental visit may be required. A dental evaluation will help determine if root canal therapy, a dental crown, or a dental implant is necessary.

Root Canal Therapy

For severe tooth pain, a root canal may be necessary. A dentist will remove tooth decay during a root canal therapy procedure. After cleaning the tooth, it will be sealed and filled. The procedure may take two or more visits, depending on the severity of the infection.

Root canal therapy is effective. Adding a filling or crown following the root canal can help a tooth last. According to a Journal of Dental Research study, teeth treated with a root canal procedure can function for as long as 11 years, with 26% lasting up to the two-decade mark.

Dental Crown for Chipped or Broken Teeth

A chipped or broken tooth can cause significant discomfort and impact the appearance of a smile. Your dentist may recommend a crown to replace chipped or broken teeth. Crowns can help improve the strength of a tooth.

A dental crown is a cap that fits over your tooth and restores it to its original shape and size. Dental crowns come in various shapes, sizes, and materials. Dentists customize them to match the natural shade of teeth. Explore our answers to top dental crown questions before scheduling treatment.

Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

Losing a tooth or having a tooth extracted can impact your smile. Dental implants are a popular and permanent solution to replace missing teeth.

Dental implants are titanium posts that act as roots for your new teeth. The implant is placed in the jaw bone. The post serves as a base for the dental implant to attach to.

Dental implants allow you to eat comfortably, speak naturally, and smile confidently. They offer a more natural look compared to traditional bridges or dentures. Dentistry IQ points to the advantages of dental implants:

  • Resemble and function like natural teeth
  • Remarkably durable with proper care
  • Aids in the prevention of jaw bone loss
  • No impact on neighboring teeth

Explore common dental implant questions to make an informed decision about whether they are right for you.

Improve Oral Health

Practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly can prevent many dental issues. Brush your teeth twice daily, floss, and use mouthwash regularly. Routine dental checkups and cleaning are essential to detect any issues or potential dental problems early.

Toothache pain can be a significant discomfort. With the right dental treatment solutions, you can find toothache relief and restore your dental health.

Ignoring dental issues can lead to more severe complications and even tooth loss. Your dentist will examine your mouth and can help you decide on the best course of treatment for your dental needs. We also offer sedation dentistry solutions to help patients who suffer from dental anxiety.

Practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for routine checkups and cleanings to prevent toothache pain and dental issues. Contact Three Rivers Dental Group by calling 1-855-NO FEARS or request an appointment online to explore our dental solutions including fillings, crowns, root canal therapy, and dental implants. Our dental offices are conveniently located throughout the Pittsburgh area in Cranberry, Greentree, Greensburg, and Jennerstown.