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Sedation Dentistry Solutions for Dental Implant Procedures

If you’re considering dental implants to replace broken or missing teeth, you may be feeling some anxiety about the procedure. Fortunately, there are options to ease dental fear and anxiety. Sedation dentistry helps phobic patients relax. Let’s take a closer look at what sedation dentistry is and how it benefits patients interested in dental implant procedures.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry helps phobic patients relax during dental procedures. The treatments are used to facilitate relaxation. They provide calming effects to reduce anxiety during dental care.

Three Rivers Dental Group offers a variety of sedation dentistry options to make dental visits pleasant, comfortable, and anxiety-free. Our sleep and sedation dentistry solutions include oral, inhaled minimal, and IV moderate sedation. Before providing any sedative, our doctors will review a patient’s personal medical and dental history to select the best option.

Benefits Of Sedation For Dental Implants

A major benefit is anxiety-free dental treatments. No Sights! No Sounds! No Fears!

Sedation dentistry eases the fear of pain and allows patients to relax while they undergo dental implant procedures. Patients may also benefit by having fewer visits. By reducing the need for multiple visits, patients can see cost savings.

Sedation dentistry is commonly used for dental implant procedures. Dental implants offer a natural look for missing teeth. They provide healthy-looking smiles and improve biting and chewing function. Additional benefits of dental implants include:

  • A dental implant does not decay or require root canals. They also help preserve the integrity of existing teeth.
  • Dental implants slow the shrinkage of bone and gum tissue from the missing tooth area.
  • They do not require the maintenance of dentures, and cannot be misplaced or lost.
  • Dental implants are made to last, unlike bridges, and are the closest tooth replacement option to natural teeth.

Who Can Receive Sedation Dentistry?

The Cleveland Clinic reports people of all ages can benefit from sedation dentistry. Dentists often recommend sedation dentistry options for patients experiencing any one of the following conditions:

Sedation Dentistry Options for Dental Implant Procedures

Poor oral hygiene as well as missing or broken teeth can affect the way we look and feel. Dental anxiety and fear can leave patients feeling helpless when it comes to finding help for missing or damaged teeth. Fortunately, there are sleep and sedation dentistry options available to make the dental implant experience as pain-free as possible.

Sedation or sleep dentistry can be beneficial for those who are feeling anxious about undergoing dental implant placement procedures. Sedation dentistry treatments can also help patients defeat dental fear. Feeling nervous is natural. Talk to your dentist about sedation dentistry options to make the dental implant process as stress-free and comfortable as possible.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is one of the most common methods used for patients experiencing moderate dental anxiety. Oral medication is provided prior to dental treatment to induce a mild to moderate state of sedation. It is important to note oral sedatives usually dull the senses but do not cause sleep. This sedation reduces the smells and noises associated with the dental procedure and helps patients relax for comfortable dental treatments.

Inhaled Minimal Sedation

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a sedation method used to help patients relax. It is commonly used to mildly sedate patients during dental drilling or oral surgery. Inhaled minimal sedation can cause feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and calmness.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation

IV sedation dentistry is used to provide relief from pain, nerves, or discomfort during dental procedures. This type of sedation is administered through an IV tube and acts quickly to induce a relaxed state. This option is best suited for individuals who may require multiple implants.

Understanding sleep or sedation dentistry options can be helpful, especially if you suffer from dental fear and anxiety. Always speak with your dentist about what sedation dentistry solution is best prior to deciding on any particular course of action.

Tooth Loss Solutions

With proper dental care and attention, a healthy mouth can be achieved – regardless of any level of dental fear or anxiety. Thinking of getting dental implants as a solution for tooth loss? View our answers to frequently asked questions for more information on dental implant procedures.

Dental implants are an excellent solution to replace loose or missing natural teeth. Three Rivers Dental offers cutting-edge dental technology, materials, and equipment to help patients achieve the best possible results. Their natural feel makes it easier to eat and speak with confidence.

Call 1 (855) 4 NO FEARS or request an appointment online to learn more about our dental implant solutions to replace missing or damaged teeth. We are conveniently located throughout the Pittsburgh area in Cranberry, Greentree, Greensburg, and Jennerstown.