PA Department of Health Ruling Regarding Dental Appointments

Three Types of Dental Sedation

Three Rivers Dental Group offers a variety of sedation methods to help you relax during treatment. This includes oral sedation, inhaled minimal sedation, and IV moderate sedation.

Oral Sedation – This form of sedation offers minimal relief and involves taking a pill. Typically, the pill is consumed an hour before the procedure. Although you will remain awake, you may feel drowsy. Some individuals start to feel groggy and occasionally drift off to sleep with this sedation method.

Inhaled Minimal Sedation – Known as laughing gas, this sedation type alleviates pain and anxiety. The dentist can adjust the dosage to suit your comfort. As the gas wears off swiftly and is reversed with pure oxygen, it’s the only sedation method allowing you to drive home post-procedure.

IV Moderate Sedation – Introducing sedation via an IV allows for rapid relaxation. The anesthesia provider can adjust the level throughout the treatment.

Contact Three Rivers Dental today to learn more about our sedation dentistry options.