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Understanding Dentures: Answers to Common Questions and Cleaning Tips

Living with missing teeth can be challenging. Missing teeth can affect self-esteem, speaking, eating, and the look of smiles.

When you have missing teeth, the remaining teeth can shift. Shifting teeth can create gaps and spaces where gum infections and tooth decay can develop.

Dentures not only fill the gaps and spaces caused by missing or shifting teeth but also help prevent tooth loss and gum disease. Dental patients can choose from full set and partial denture styles to suit their needs.

Make informed decisions about dental health treatment options to replace missing teeth. Learn what dentures are made of, the full dentures and partial types available, and how to properly care for and clean them. With a better understanding of dentures, dental patients can choose from the best dental treatment and service options.

What are dentures made of?

Have you wondered what materials dentures are made of? Dentures are artificial teeth that mimic natural teeth and gums to replace missing teeth.

Dentures have come a long way in terms of natural-looking aesthetics. They can be custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of a person’s natural teeth for a beautiful smile.

A denture base is usually made of plastic or acrylic resin. Partial dentures are typically made of acrylic resin, and sometimes a combination of acrylic resin and metal fixtures. Acrylic resin is also often used when making full dentures.

Acrylic resin is lightweight and provides a comfortable wear for patients. The acrylic resin base rests on the gums and is paired with synthetic teeth crafted to resemble natural teeth.

Denture Types

Teeth impressions are taken by a dentist and used to create a denture shape and size.

What Type of Full Denture Sets Are Available?

Full dentures are removable prosthetic devices designed to replace an entire arch or set of teeth. They are custom-made to suit the comfort needs of each wearer.

There are two types of full dentures: conventional and immediate.

  • Conventional dentures are custom-made. Customization makes them a popular choice for missing teeth. They are placed in the mouth after the gum tissue has healed from teeth extraction.
  • Immediate dentures are made in advance and placed following teeth extraction. They may require additional adjustments as the mouth heals.

What is a Partial Denture?

Partial dentures are removable dental prostheses that replace missing teeth. Partial dentures are a good option for patients who have natural teeth remaining. They function to fill gaps in teeth.

There are two main types of partial dentures – removable and fixed.

  • Removable partial dentures are held in place by clasps that attach to the remaining teeth.
  • Fixed partial dentures are attached to a framework anchored to existing teeth using crowns.

Which Denture Type is Best?

Consult with your dentist to identify the right denture solution. The dentist will evaluate your dental health, size and shape of teeth, face contours, and natural gum tissue to find the right denture solution for your needs.

Three Rivers Dental Group offers several denture options for restoring smiles. Our dentures are custom-designed for each individual.

We are the proud provider of Comfy Fit Premium, Flexi Fit Partial Dentures, and Snap Fit Dentures. They are crafted with high-quality materials to ensure a natural look and comfortable fit. Whether a first-time denture wearer or in need of replacement, we help dental patients design their perfect smile.

4 Tips for Cleaning Dentures

Just like natural teeth, dentures require proper care and maintenance. Regular cleaning will help prevent the buildup of plaque, bacteria, and stains. With cleaning and care, you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy, and long-lasting smile with dentures.

Full and partial dentures can be susceptible to bacteria that can cause bad breath, gum infection, and other oral health problems. Clean dentures daily to remove bacteria and food particles, and follow these four daily oral hygiene care and cleaning tips.

1. Rinse After Eating

After meals, rinse dentures under cool water to remove any food debris or loose particles that may stick between artificial teeth. Hold the denture securely and rinse with running water. Be careful not to drop the dentures while rinsing, as they can break easily.

2. Brush Thoroughly

Just like natural teeth, regular brushing will help keep dentures clean and free from plaque and bacteria. Use a denture toothbrush and non-abrasive denture cleaner (not toothpaste) to clean a denture gently. Gently brush the tongue, cheeks, natural teeth, and roof of the mouth.

Thorough brushing will help remove any food particles and bacteria that may cause gum irritation, bad breath, and other dental issues.

3. Soak Dentures

Soaking a partial denture is a great way to keep them clean and odor-free. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when soaking dentures in an American Dental Association recommended denture cleaning solution for cleaning.

Overnight soaking can help remove stains, bacteria, and debris left on the dentures that may not be removed by brushing and rinsing. Do not use hot water, which can warp the dentures. Rinse dentures thoroughly after overnight soaking before reinserting them into the mouth.

4. Handle Dentures with Care

Dentures are delicate. Handle them with care to prevent cracks, chips, or breaks. When removed or placed in the mouth, use both hands and be gentle.

Avoid using force or excessive pressure when removing or placing dentures in the mouth. Extreme pressure can often cause denture damage.

As an added layer of protection, rinse dentures under running water over a soft towel or bowl of water. This safety measure can help prevent dentures from breaking if dropped while rinsing.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Regular dental check-ups are essential for people wearing dentures. Dental visits can help you avoid any complications and keep your mouth healthy.

Your dentist will examine your denture and your mouth to ensure everything is healthy and working correctly. They can also provide denture cleaning advice and recommend any necessary repairs or adjustments to ensure your dentures fit and function right.

Dentures can restore confidence and give you a bright smile. Understanding the materials, types, and proper cleaning techniques can make denture maintenance easier and extend the lifespan. Contact your dentist to discuss the best denture style for your specific needs.

Prioritize your smile. Contact Three Rivers Dental Group by calling 1-855-NO FEARS or request an appointment online to explore our denture options. Our dental offices are conveniently located throughout the Pittsburgh area in Cranberry, Greentree, and Greensburg.