A delay in routine dental care can lead to increased oral health issues. Now is the time to prioritize oral health care and resume regular dental exams, teeth cleaning appointments, denture treatments, and routine dentistry services for dental implants. Taking action steps now to fight gum disease, deter tooth decay, prevent cavities and periodontitis will help lengthen the lifespan of natural teeth, dentures, and dental implants to create healthy, bright, and confident smiles.
1. Protect Healthy Teeth and Gums
Daily dental hygiene is as equally as important as routine visits to the dentist. Plaque, gingivitis, and tartar buildup, when left untreated, can lead to a series of oral health issues impacting healthy teeth and gums, denture plates, and dental implants. Older adults are often affected most by oral health issues. The CDC reports nearly all adults (96%) aged 65 years or older have had a cavity, and 1 in 5 have untreated tooth decay. A high percentage of older adults are also affected by gum disease. Taking action steps to address oral health issues can help save your smile. The CDC offers additional oral health tips including:
- Drink plenty of fluoridated water, particularly if affected by dry mouth.
- Brush natural teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day.
- Floss daily between teeth to remove dental plaque.
- Visit a dentist regularly.
2. Gingivitis can be Resolved with Good Oral Hygiene
Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease involving gum inflammation. When food sugars and starches interact with oral bacteria, they form a soft, sticky, colorless film of plaque bacteria on teeth and gums. This oral bacteria can produce toxins that irritate gum tissue and cause gingivitis. The good news is gum inflammation and gingivitis can be resolved with a good daily oral hygiene routine, brushing teeth at least twice a day, rinsing with water often, and flossing daily. Using an antiseptic mouthwash with active ingredients to fight and prevent gingivitis can also help.
3. Periodontitis is Preventable
Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontitis. When left untreated, periodontitis can pose a risk for serious infection or permanent damage to the gums, jawbones, and tissues supporting teeth. Prevention is key. Daily dental hygiene and good dental care habits will help fight and even prevent periodontal disease from starting. For those already affected, contact your dentist immediately to schedule a dental examination for a customized periodontitis treatment strategy.
4. Deter Denture Damage
Routine oral health checkups are equally important for denture wearers. During a dental examination, a dentist will check denture fit and comfort and address any common denture problems occurring, including clicking, mouth infection, gum irritation, or stains.
Regular dental checkups, mouth examinations, and professional cleanings paired with daily denture care will help maintain the look and feel of natural teeth. Three Rivers Dental is the proud provider of Comfy Fit Premium, Flexi Fit Partial Dentures and Snap Fit Dentures crafted with high-quality materials to ensure a natural look and comfortable fit. Custom-designed for each individual, we offer 8 styles of affordable full and partial denture options.
5. Reduce Dental Implant Discomfort
Dental implants look, fit and function like healthy, natural teeth. Although implants will never decay, gum tissue around them can become irritated, inflamed, or infected without good oral hygiene. In rare cases, peri-implantitis can occur, a destructive inflammatory process resulting in bone and dental implant loss. Maintain the integrity of dental implants and reduce the chance of implant discomfort or complications by taking daily action steps to improve oral hygiene:
- Clean gums and hard-to-reach spaces between teeth and dental implants with an oral irrigator. Many brands offer rubber tip stimulators and attachments to gently remove food particles trapped between an implant and the gum line.
- Brush under and around an implant crown at least twice daily using a narrow-headed soft-bristle toothbrush with low abrasive dental implant-approved toothpaste.
- Floss daily with implant-approved crown and bridge floss or clean hard-to-reach places with a nylon coated interdental brush.
- Rinse after brushing and flossing to remove toothpaste residue and keep teeth and dental implants free of bacteria and plaque.
- Schedule regular dental examinations to monitor jaw bone and gum health.
Routine dental exams and cleanings are imperative to healthy teeth and gums for confident smiles. Delays in dental care can lead to several oral health issues and cause complications with dental implants and dentures. Contact Three Rivers Dental Group by calling 1-855-NO FEARS or request an appointment online for an oral health checkup and cleaning. We are conveniently located throughout the Pittsburgh area in Cranberry, Greentree, Greensburg, and Jennerstown.