Knowing what to do when a dental emergency arises is critical. When left untreated, consequences of dental issues can be dangerous. Save your smile by learning more about the common symptoms and indicators of dental decay, and when it is imperative to seek prompt emergency treatment to save your smile.
Common Indicators of Oral Health Issues
Oral health issues including cavities, tooth decay, periodontitis, and oral trauma require immediate attention to prevent further dental issues. Cavities and gum disease are the leading cause of weakened tooth structure and tooth loss. In fact, the Mayo Clinic reports if cavities aren’t treated, they get larger and affect deeper layers of teeth, leading to severe toothache, infection, and tooth loss. Once a tooth is lost, neighboring teeth can be jeopardized. Teeth may shift and in some cases, bone loss around a missing tooth can occur. If dental treatment is not received in a timely manner, all teeth may ultimately be affected and are at risk for loss. Professional dental treatment is recommended to resolve more serious toothache and jaw pain unable to be managed through a facial pain treatment plan. Contact your dentist immediately to schedule a dental evaluation or emergency dental care if experiencing any of the following symptoms:
- Tooth Pain or Temperature Sensitivity
- Sharp, Constant Jaw Throbbing or Noticeable Swelling
- Gum Inflammation or Swollen Gum Tissue Surrounding a Tooth
- Broken, Damaged, Loose or Missing Teeth
- Noticeable Foul Mouth Odor or Taste
Pain Relief Tips for Teeth and Gums
Although these pain relief tips are not substitutes for professional dental care, they can help address oral health issues until teeth and gums are evaluated by a dental professional:
- Gently floss between a sore tooth to remove any lodged food debris or particles.
- Gently rinse the mouth with warm salt water to ease oral discomfort and heal the affected area.
- Using ADA Accepted oral care products to help manage temperature sensitivities, enamel wear, oral discomfort or pain.
- Reduce pain and swelling by applying a cold compress to the facial area affected by trauma.
Dentistry Solutions
From crowns to bridges, dentures, partials, or dental implants, Three Rivers Dental Group offers dental solutions to improve smiles and restore oral health. Save your smile with our dental solutions including root canal therapy, dental implants or the best fitting denture and partial styles. We offer sedation dentistry solutions for immediate comfort and relief during dental treatment, making dental visits pleasant and anxiety-free. Before administering any sedative, we review patient medical and dental history to select the best option. Learn what to expect with sedation dentistry, and how it is helping patients to relax before, during, and following dental appointments.
Regular dental visits and improved daily oral hygiene are the best protection against cavities and tooth decay. Prioritize dental care. Contact us at 1-855-NO FEARS or request an appointment online to schedule dental treatment to keep smiles healthy. We are conveniently located throughout the Pittsburgh area in Cranberry, Greentree, Greensburg, and Jennerstown.