PA Department of Health Ruling Regarding Dental Appointments

Three Rivers Dental Blog
Smile Today!

smiling woman holding apple

6 Foods to Eat for Healthy Teeth and Gums

What you eat can create a healthy smile. Eating high fiber, nutrient-rich foods with calcium, phosphorus and magnesium helps build strong teeth and healthy gums. Check out our top 6 favorite foods to indulge in for improved overall oral health.
two woman with face masks on

How to Prevent Common Dental Issues Caused by Wearing Face Masks

Bad breath, dry mouth, tooth decay and gum inflammation, what’s causing these dental issues could be right under your nose. Learn more about the common characteristics of mask mouth and how to prevent it from impacting your overall oral health.
woman holding jaw in pain

Dental Crowns and Same Day Solutions for Broken or Cracked Teeth

Avoiding dental solutions, including crowns for broken or cracked teeth, can lead to gum disease, an abcess, the need for a root canal or tooth extraction. Eliminate toothache pain today by contacting Three Rivers Dental Group for immediate results with same day appointments.
smiling woman flossing

3 Healthy Reasons to Love the Benefits of Flossing

Healthy teeth and gums are a valuable asset when it comes to the rules of attraction. In fact, research indicates flossing improves the appearance of teeth, oral health and overall wellness. Learn more about the benefits of dental hygiene and the top reasons to love flossing for confident, healthy smiles.
smiling woman holding toothbrush

Prioritize Dental Hygiene this New Year

Increased instances of tooth decay caused by face coverings and masks, pandemic related bruxism caused by stress grinding and delay in routine dental care has caused increased instances of more extensive dental work. It’s time to put dental care at the top of the new year’s resolution list.
smiling woman with hands on face

Defeat Dental Fear with Sedation Dentistry

Sleep dentistry comforts dental patients with extreme anxiety, heightened sensitivity or pain, even during a regular dental exam and teeth cleaning. Sedation helps patients breathe easier and comfortably relax during dental procedures. Defeat dental fear with dentistry while you sleep and learn more about other sedation techniques used for dentophobia.
woman holding jaw in pain

Sedation Dentistry and Same Day Appointments for Dental Stress Issues

Stress-induced teeth grinding and pandemic related dental problems are on the rise and affecting oral health. Learn more about the effect pandemic stress has on oral health and what you can do to prevent tooth fracture, decay and dental damage.
woman holding dentures

Common Causes of Broken Dentures and Same Day Solutions for Damage

Broken or ill fitting dentures are an inconvenience. Learn more about the common causes of broken dentures and what to do when they break.
man wincing with hand on jaw

Poor Oral Health and the Downside of Avoiding Dental Care

When missing or damaged teeth are left untreated, the risks and consequences for dental issues can be dangerous. If you’ve experienced oral trauma, infection or have lost teeth due to age, your mouth needs attention.
smiling man with hand on chin

4 Dental Solutions to Restore or Replace Missing and Damaged Teeth

From crowns to bridges, dentures or dental implants, we offer several dental solutions to restore or replace missing and damaged teeth for lasting smiles.
smiling woman in dental chair

Resume Routine Oral Care with Affordable Dental Services

Now is the time to prioritize oral health care and resume regular dental checkups, teeth cleaning appointments, denture treatments and routine dentistry services. Get started planning your perfect smile with the best offers and pricing for dental services in the Pittsburgh area.
halloween basket full of candy

Sugary Treats that Play Tricks on Teeth

The temptation to indulge in sugary treats can create a sticky situation for teeth. Satisfy a sweet tooth and keep your smile healthy with a few simple dental friendly tricks for enjoying treats.
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Premiere One-Stop Dental Services in Pittsburgh for the Perfect Smile

Tired of running around to multiple offices for your dental health needs? We’re here to help. Three Rivers Dental offers patients the ability to have all dental health work completed in one place.
man on ground stretching by touching his toes

Study Shows Many Elite Athletes Do Not Excel at Oral Health

Elite athletes are experiencing increased oral health issues, according to research survey results of Olympic and professional athletes. Find out what is affecting their oral health, how to prevent tooth decay and improve gum health while maintaining physical fitness.
smiling woman in front of dental chair

What to Expect During Your First Three Rivers Dental Visit

Three Rivers Dental Group offers a complete range of dental services, convenient hours and affordable fees. With a variety of program offerings and options, we help patients achieve beautiful, healthy smiles.